I can't believe it.
I was watching the Olympics last night (10 km iceskating men) and it was horrible.
Our sure shot at another gold medal.
The most beautiful race ever and the moron screws it up.
Iceskating is the only sport I get excited about, because it's the only thing we Dutch win at.
But this...
I'm still so pissed.
I was jumping up and down the sofa swearing like a sailor when it happened.
I mean, what idiot. switches. to. the. wrong. track?!
Your a worldchampion iceskater for godsake!
You'd imagine you'd know how these things go...
Sven Kramer has been my favourite athlete since he won his first Olympic Gold medal on his 19th birthday.
And now, a mistake this stupid.
He would have beaten Lee by four seconds!
Four f#cking seconds!
Lee broke the olypic record and Sven would have broken that record
By four seconds!
I still can't believe it.
And I'm a little embarassed about getting so wound up.
But seriously...
(this doesn't even deserve a song)