My friend N. returned from New York last week and decided not to tell us.
Apparently she had been planning it since december, cause she thought it'd funny to suprise us.
I was allready wondering for the past weeks when she'd come back, but I did'n't ask her.
In fact, I'm such a good friend that I hadn't talked to her for a month or so.
Not that I didn't want to, I just kept forgetting to e-mail her.
Anyway, it was a great suprise.
It's so awesome to see her again and she's got these amazing stories to tell.
Right now she's trying to decide wether to go back next month.
Her millionair boyfriend (that kind of stuff only happends to her) bought her a plane ticket, because he want's her to come back.
Apparently she had been planning it since december, cause she thought it'd funny to suprise us.
I was allready wondering for the past weeks when she'd come back, but I did'n't ask her.
In fact, I'm such a good friend that I hadn't talked to her for a month or so.
Not that I didn't want to, I just kept forgetting to e-mail her.
Anyway, it was a great suprise.
It's so awesome to see her again and she's got these amazing stories to tell.
Right now she's trying to decide wether to go back next month.
Her millionair boyfriend (that kind of stuff only happends to her) bought her a plane ticket, because he want's her to come back.
She only wants to come if he gets her an appartment and a job first.
Just to be sure she won't be depending on his charity.
And she isn't sure she likes him enough too.
I'm curious to see what she'll decide.
And N. isn't my only returned friend. My best friend T. is coming back from Senegal next week and I'm so excited.
As fun as it is to have N. back, I missed T. more.
She's my party-buddy and the one I go to when I'm bored.
We can sit in her kitchen for hours eating cookies, drinking tea and completely analysing the past weekend.
I really missed her, so I can't wait to see her again and hug her senseless.
It's really a roullette with my friends this year.
Everytime one persons comes back another one goes away.
As N. and T. come home, S. is going off to Ghana in two weeks.
And in two months I'll be in Italy.
The only one who stays all year is M.
She wanted to go to New Sealand or Russia, yeah those two have nothing in common whatsoever, but she can't come up with the money.
She can't save anything.
And besides that she wants to go to Dramaschool next year, so all her time and money are spend on auditions.
And her new boyfriend.
It's a good thing though that not everybody's gone at the same time, I'd be bored out of my mind.
Now there's allways someone to hang out with or party with.
Even without T., though it's not as much fun.
I'm still having job and money issues and I'm really bummed that I can't go anywhere.
I kind of wanted to go back to Hamburg for a week or so and visit friends in different towns, but I can't afford it.
Oh well, at least I'm going to Italy, I can't wait.
This cold weather is staring to piss me off.
I constantly have a cold, it sucks.
(Racoon - Love you more)