January 13, 2010

Get The Job Done

As you all know, I've been searching for a job.
And I hate it.

In this little town I live there's just nothing for young girls with no actual training.
I have a highschool diploma, but that doesn't get you anywhere.

I'm finally feeling the results of the economic-crisis and it sucks!

There's just noone who hires through a jobagency anymore.
And that's exactly how I want to work.
A little light administrative work, you know.

My mom is starting to get on my case about earning some of my own money and doind something beside sitting at home all day.
She's got a point, but it's not like I don't want to work.
I just don't want to work at a supermarket again.
Or something crappy like that.

So, today I'm going to sign in with a couple more agencies.
And yesterday I saw a shoestore that was looking for salespeople.
Guess I could try that.
I kind of like shoes.

I'm a girl, duh.

I'm working on the sitting around thing too.
Tommorow I'll be visiting some friends in college.
That'll be fun!

And I have to write a letter of motivation to the University.
I want to study Liberal Arts and Sciences next year and they have a personal procedure.
So, I'll be working on a at least one page essay on why I want to study that.
Which sucks.
I could write it in 3 or 4 lines, but I don't think they'll go for that.
I'm gonna have to write some crap around it.

Also very good news:
I am definitly going to Italy!

Yes, I finally organised the whole thing.

I'll be doing a languagecourse in Florence from 29-03 till 22-05.
I'm so excited!

But now I definitly have to earn money, because it's kind of expensive.
The important thing is that I'm going though.

(Coldplay - The Scientist)

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