So, well, my life isn't any more interesting these days.
I'm still exhausted from working a double shift last thursday, but that's about it.
I'm also constantly a little nervous. I'm leaving in 8 days and I have to take care of the last details.
It's such a wierd feeling, it's finally getting real.
I heard where I'll be staying in Florence yesterday too.
Unfortunatly not very close to the language school or the centre, but I can manage 20 minutes by bus or bike every day.
At least I know where I'll be staying.
I love Google for inventing streetview.
I've been walking around Florence all day.
A genius invention.
So, all I have left tot do now is plan and pack.
There are a couple of little things I need to take care of when I have arrived, like getting a buscard and timetable and renting a bike and stuff.
All things I sort of need to plan now.
The most important queation however still remains the same.
What to pack?
I've allready made a list, but I haven't decided on the clothes and shoes yet.
Yes, I'm such a girl.
It's my biggest problem and a little sad, but I find it so hard to decide.
I just want to take all my clothes, but I'd need three extra plain tickets.
So that's not really an option...
Anyway, as you can see I'm very excited and a little nervous.
I hope I don't miss my flight or get robbed or something...
Oh crap, wish me luck!
(Jesse McCartney - Right Where You Want Me)
I'm still exhausted from working a double shift last thursday, but that's about it.
I'm also constantly a little nervous. I'm leaving in 8 days and I have to take care of the last details.
It's such a wierd feeling, it's finally getting real.
I heard where I'll be staying in Florence yesterday too.
Unfortunatly not very close to the language school or the centre, but I can manage 20 minutes by bus or bike every day.
At least I know where I'll be staying.
I love Google for inventing streetview.
I've been walking around Florence all day.
A genius invention.
So, all I have left tot do now is plan and pack.
There are a couple of little things I need to take care of when I have arrived, like getting a buscard and timetable and renting a bike and stuff.
All things I sort of need to plan now.
The most important queation however still remains the same.
What to pack?
I've allready made a list, but I haven't decided on the clothes and shoes yet.
Yes, I'm such a girl.
It's my biggest problem and a little sad, but I find it so hard to decide.
I just want to take all my clothes, but I'd need three extra plain tickets.
So that's not really an option...
Anyway, as you can see I'm very excited and a little nervous.
I hope I don't miss my flight or get robbed or something...
Oh crap, wish me luck!
(Jesse McCartney - Right Where You Want Me)
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