October 10, 2009

A Little Sophie

My second blogmessage seems just a good occasion to tell a little more about myself.

First, let me put on some music.
No wait, no picking songs here. I've got to let my intuition guide me.
Okay, I've got one, here it goes.
(You might have already noticed it, but the song I listend to while I'm writing my message is on the bottom. Yes, exactly, right there, you found it.)

So, My name is Sophie. You probably could have figured that out on your own.
I'm eighteen and live in Holland.
Why not write my blog in Dutch then, you asked?
I did. I wrote the first message in Dutch yesterday, but I deleted it this morning and rewrote it in English.
It's more universal and a good excuse for me to write something other than songs in English.
I really like English, I think it a gorgeous language.
Since I was twelve or something I've been daydreaming and in English.
I've got to say it was a little hard at first.

Anyway, that's all very interesting and all (yeah right), but there's actually some significant information about me in that piece.
A lot of crap, I'll be the first to admit that, but if you payed any attention at all, you will have noticed that:
1) That I have the tendancy to change my mind over night.
2) I like the English language.
3) I write songs
4) I daydream a lot.
5) I sometimes talk to myself and that's kind of nuts.

Hmm... that seems like a nice way to start off. I think this going to a lot of fun.
At least for me. You, I'm not so sure.

(Put you Record On - Corrine Bailey Rae)

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