October 19, 2009

Pink Day

I'm having kind of a pink day today.
You might think, what the hell is a pink day?
Honestly, I don't really know.
I'm just feeling pink today.
Every single shade, from hot pink to lila.
You'll know what I mean when you have it too.

So, to honor the feeling I'm wearing pink clothes.

Allright, my jeans are grey, but that's because I don't have any pink ones.
Thank god, that would be really wierd.

My make-up is also pink today, but not over the top, I don't wanna look like a barbie doll.

And most impotantly: I just baked cupcakes.
Believe me, it's a must when you're having pink day.
I'll put the recipe in a new massage.

So, now you know what you have to do when you're feeling pink someday.
It's a fuzzy, warm and calm kind of feeling.
Very pleasant, really.

(Taylor Swift - Fearless)

1 comment:

  1. Lool pink day! I have to tell my sister about this, she will love it!
    Wonderful blog, Sophie, and good luck with your new job! Will you please check out my blog, too? I have just started and I need visitors! XD
